"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"The Big Time."

I couldn't help but think about the role time plays in relationships. I'm going to use the most obvious example, in saying "I love you" to your partner. How much of a difference would it make if instead of today, you said such a thing yesterday or any day other than today? I'd say the same question applies for sex as well. It appears that everyone fears that the timing of something will either make or break the relationship they are in.

Individuals in relationships are sometimes trying to perfectly plan out their romance ... Constructing and deriving what one would call a relationship itinerary. Are relationships really nothing but a travel document? Is there a hidden list of 'where-and-whens' you must follow in order to ultimately get to a place where you're happy and satisfied in your relationship? Whatever happened to the idea of going with the flow? When you're worried about tomorrow and what's going to happen, you're making it utterly impossible for yourself to enjoy the present moment. In the matters of saying "I love you" to your special someone and having sex, is there such thing as the perfect timing? I think of it as solely a matter of what feels right. That's the misconception ... Individuals waste so much effort in finding the time something 'should' happen, as opposed to adhering to and listening to what's in their heart - Because believe it or not, there's no timing out there more perfect than what just feels right...

But who knows ... Suddenly, it can feel as if though timing is everything in your life and your relationship. All of the right things, said and done at all the wrong times. Your past, all coming back to you way too fast - Your future, taking way too long to come back home. I couldn't help but wonder ... Is timing everything?


  1. Fantastic! ~ Really great post, I'm such a big fan, I love everything.

    1. Thank you, Joe ... I appreciate all the support & I'm happy to please!
