"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Easy Come, Easy Go."

It's a common belief that us men use the right, more logical side of the brain and that women use the left, more emotional side. But is it really that cut and dry? It appears that when it comes to the affairs of the heart, there's a rough battle between what we know and what we feel. So, what do you do in a situation that leaps between the left and right side? When it comes to relationships, is it wiser to follow your head or your heart?

If our relationships are meant to be about our heart, where is there a place for our head? Relationships are more than just feeling and thinking, they are what we do. Building a relationship inevitably indicates exposing our heart - Which can be extremely risky, but you cannot win if you do not risk losing ... Go big or go home. I'm aware that building a relationship also means receiving with our heart. The most important and substantial way of doing this is by listening. We have to listen to those red flags that say this isn't going to work. Do not get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you have "impossible" standards - But don't ignore those warning signs about a person because you're tired of being alone. I know that it's easier said than done ... But it will be well worth it if we stop spending much time with Ms. Almost and start the rest of our lives with Ms. Always and Forever.

We do need to think about finding love ... In the exact same way we think of our 401K. If you're not getting out of it what you put into it, you likely won't continue to waste your time. I'm not saying to think of love as a business, but more as an investment. By adopting the same approach that you have when you decide to buy a house, you spare yourself the disappointment and heartache of it not working out - You're not surprised when you have a leaky roof because you took the time to have it inspected ... If you're not getting what you need then get out now because it's only going to get worse.
So ... Head or heart? Both! Just be sure to get a return on your love investment because although love may be free itself, if it doesn't work out as originally expected, you lose something that money just can't buy - Time, and even a bit of your own heart.


  1. Ooh! This's a rare, yet insightful perspective. I'm digging it as I do with everything you post!
    -Dean. (I'm always commenting.) :)

    1. Thank you, Dean. Yes, I see you commenting frequently. Thank you for the support ... I've just begun!
