When you're young, your whole life's about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious - You can easily break a bone or even a heart. You always look twice before you actually leap, and sometimes you'll find yourself not leaping at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there is no safety net as I've said. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?
When you're young, everything's so simple. It's a flurry of fun, friends and completely fresh experiences. Judgement isn't placed upon you for being single ... As a matter of fact, the single life is embraced, and more brows are raised to actually being in a serious relationship. You're suspected to have meaningless, yet fun flings, while finding yourself and exploring all of the infinite opportunities and possibilities that life has to offer you. Being single meant that you are pretty sexy and that you are holding out until the right person for you came along - You are confident, independent and mysterious, uninhibitedly writing your own tale.
Then, you grow up and everything you once knew becomes so terribly complex. It's a flurry of confusion, criticism and experiences you wish to forget as soon as humanly possible. Judgement is placed upon you for being single ... The once embraced single life has now become frowned upon. You're suspected to have yourself a steady job, along with a happy marriage and adorable kid(s), yourself already found with the opportunities and possibilities life offers thoroughly explored. Being single now meant that you are pretty undesirable and that somewhere, you took a wrong turn and things went terribly wrong - You are unconfident, lost and the publishers apparently didn't like what you presented them with, metaphorically of course.
Throughout the course of time in your life things change so much. You'll see that some individuals made their dreams their reality, while others wound up living a horror story - All of their dreams dashed and illusions shattered. It's not fate, it's dumb luck ... So, I couldn't help but wonder; If you've found yourself lost in the shuffle of life, is there any way to undo chronological incorrectness, or does the highway to hell come with no U-Turns?
Brutal ... But incredibly honest & true.
Thank you ... I always try and keep it real at all costs!
Delete-Nicholas J. Halsey.