"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Laissez Faire."

Back when we were young, Marlo Thomas sang to us about accepting each other and our differences. However, as we begin to age, we start to sing a completely different tune. We cease to celebrate each other's life choices, and instead begin qualifying them. Is 'acceptance' really such a childish concept, or did we have it right all along? When exactly did we stop being free to be you and me?

Maybe it is just me, but I feel as if there are very few people left in the world who're confident in who they are. It's as if everyone's insecurities have completely gotten the best of them and we're all trying to fill some ideal mold that is not even achievable or real. Numerous individuals find themselves condemned for acting or looking a certain way, but if it works for that particular individual, who are we to judge?

Perhaps, it starts in high school, and not a lot of individuals grow out of it. Individuals have their idea of how individuals ought to want to look ... They're still unsure of where they got that idea from, but "everyone" else has that idea so it must carry some weight. Anyone who attempts to individualize and march to the beat of their own drum is, in their opinion, sabotaging the game for everyone else who's involved. There's definitely a degree of comfort in conformity, in knowing that you're not rocking the boat. To most individuals being "normal" is perfectly fine.

I think something as drastic as plastic surgery stems from they way we're becoming increasingly more judgemental on individual's appearances. 'The Daily Mail' online is the second most popular news website in the whole world, and it's almost entirely made up of articles bitching about the small imperfections of celebrities. Looking "perfect" is seen as much of a status symbol as is the size of the house you live in, the car that you drive or the logos on all your materials, in their opinion.

Personally, I try to ignore that aspect of society as much as possible. I've tried in the past to get answers out of individuals as to why they conform so much, but it has become apparent that nobody actually knows why. We're all expected to act as if we really know, and further we're expected not to question it, but nobody will ever be able to give you a straight answer.
When it all really started, I'm still unsure ... But, in this day and age we're all forced to be the same, the way in which society and other companies want us to be. We get brainwashed to think a certain way, buy certain things and to have certain values which unfortunately, aren't very natural. However, the companies want to sell ... That's why the media convinces us to believe in these fake values, so that we will continuously buy and conform.


  1. I couldn't of said it any better myself ... This's a really great post.
