"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl…"

Relationships have become so scarce in this day and age ... I'm literally waiting for rations designated for those who actually still believe in romance and the concept of true love. Instead, we're thriving off of "hooking up" and one night stands. Furthermore, it's not only just that - It's he bop, she bop and we bop. In simpler terms, we'll hop into bed with anyone and everyone these days. There's no exploring and searching for your sexuality and whatever suits you as a person in this day and age ... Becoming pan-sexual is paramount.

We're living in "Alice And Confused Sexuality Land" - Hello, I'm Alice and I'm confused for different reasons. I don't understand why we are doing this. Have we become so jaded to the point where we can't determine if we prefer cock or pussy? (I guess God made sperm banks and surrogates for too, more impractical and unobvious reasons.) Anywho, I'm unsure of what this means for the relationships of the future, provided there even are any ... Should this trend dictate that this is a new beginning for normal - Or, are we quite simply evolving into something scary?
I couldn't help but wonder ... Was our generation onto something? Was sexual flipping and flopping the wave of the future? If it is, could I play such a game or am I over the hill? If men can so easily transform into women, and women easily into men, then perhaps the whole concept of gender no longer exists. If we can take the best of the other sex and turn it into something of our own, has and is the opposite sex becoming obsolete?


  1. "Alice In Confused Sexuality Land" ... Tears! In all seriousness, this is a great post. I fucking love this blog, everything about it screams perfection.

    1. I laughed too ... Thank you for the support, Drew, I appreciate it!
