Modern men have been told that if we apply ourselves, we can be anything we wish to be ... Astronauts, heads of an Internet company, even stay-at-home fathers - There aren't any rules and choices are endless. Evidently, they can all be delivered straight to your front door. Could it be possible we've become so spoiled by our infinite choices, that we're now unable to ultimately make one? That we're aware that once you choose something, one great woman, one miraculous apartment, one terrific job, another option bites the dust? Are we a generation who can't choose just one from column 'A' ... Did we have simply too much to handle - Or, can we have it all?
I couldn't help but wonder ... What defines "having it all" - Is it more or less the great woman, miraculous apartment and terrific job? Honestly, I find this to be strictly a matter of opinion and one's personal beliefs/preferences. For one individual, having it all could imply cutting ends meat, having a loving family of their very own and saying grace for what it is they do have ... While for another, having it all could imply an array of gorgeous women, beachfront property in the Hamptons and truckloads of money to blow along with a constant urge for more. As you can already determine, having it all has the ability to mean a boatload of stuff, and it tremendously varies by each person that you ask. "Having it all", fully depending on one's expectations and their perspective much to their dismay, may simply be something unattainable and far out of reach - However, if you do deem it attainable and "well enough" simply 'isn't doing it for you' for whatever reason(s), should you venture out into the world once more to find it ... Or will you wind up alone and broke, regretting not leaving it alone, maybe realizing to count your blessings and embrace what you do have in this world?
Maybe, the whole confusing concept of "having it all" is nothing other than an individualized pipedream. Or maybe "having it all" is simply living your life the way that God intended, because eventually all the pieces fall into place, regardless of how bullshit that may come across to you all in the present moment. Sure, there's a distinctive allure in "having it all", but would you be setting yourself up for missing your fate alongside valuable life lessons and things and die trying?
I completely agree ... I'll gladly take "well enough" because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, or 'try' to fix it.
Thank you, Sam ... I appreciate all the support!