"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"No Ifs, Ands Or Butts."

Relationships can be a whole hell of a lot of work nowadays. Sometimes, you simply want to pack it in and call it a day, but you're completely incapable of locating an adequate basis for doing so. It may not be totally sparking a flame you desire, however, you've found yourself a seemingly wonderful gal and you want to avoid the unpleasant feelings of guilt when splitting up with her over superficial or self-centered and irrational reasons. In these situations, you're stuck at a crossroads. You can't decide whether it's best you live "Unhappily Ever After" or to swallow your guilt and call it off, for whatever reasons you deem shallow and pedantic. If you're in this situation or find yourself in it at some point in time in the future, there's only one healthy solution ... If your heart is not in the relationship due to the circumstances you're faced with, absolve yourself from the relationship before someone seriously gets hurt, because when both hearts aren't in it to win it nothing good will ever come of it in the end. Regardless of guilt, it'll be well worth it. You can continue the search for "The One", "The One" who leaves no doubt in your mind that they are right for you, while the other is free to go do the same in finding someone who unquestionably returns all of the love they receive.
However, sometimes you will get the proverbial "Get Out Of Jail" free card. There are those occasions when you're completely justified in letting it go at the drop of a dime. There are particular one-off things that women can do to give you an immediate, guilt-free and iron-clad easy way out. Call it a free pass, call it rationalization, call it whatever it is you deem fit, this deal breaker ensures you can walk away with a clear conscience. There's no emotional electric chair for absolving yourself from something so obvious in its unacceptability.
After thoroughly reconsidering all this, I couldn't help but wonder ... Since when did dating become so dote friendly? Whatever happened to the times where a really bad kiss, cigarettes, or even a ridiculous dream were only part of a person's portfolio? In today's volatile dating market, is it wise to liquidate certain stocks after the first sign they might not perform as well as originally expected? Or, are there things one should try and negotiate? In the matters of relationships, what are the "deal breakers"?

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