If you happen to have a bad stock, you could lose your shirt. If you happen to have a bad date, you could lose your whole will to live. However, if the date is great, the stakes get even higher. After weathering down all the ups and downs, you could one day find yourself with nothing. So, when it comes down to finance and dating, I couldn't help but wonder ... Why do we continuously invest?
I think we'll invest ourselves and our time into a particular woman because we genuinely believe they are "The One" - "The One" who holds the key to our predestined "Happily Ever After". But if I've learned anything from the Titanic, it's that not every ending is necessarily happy. Sometimes it's controversial, disappointing and/or really upsetting. It seems that when things are smooth sailing and wonderful, it's only a matter of time before you go overboard. The only thing driving and motivating us to get back on board is our will to achieve love ... Achieve a love that won't leave you alone and shipwrecked.
If you can find the willpower within you to get back on the emotional Titanic, who's to say that next time you are not going to fall? There's no guarantee, and as most of us know from our personal experiences, that in life there is no safety net ... It seems that over the years thing have gone from being fun, to being scary. Anywho, once back on the boat, you'll meet a new girl with her own personalized array of issues, and think that you've learned a valuable lesson from your past relationship(s), so that this time the investment will somehow turnout differently, further contemplating the chances of her being "The One" as time progresses. Well, what're you to do in the event that her baggage goes and whacks you right across the face? You weren't anticipating that happening and you've found yourself going overboard again...
You thought that your past of sunken ships was long behind you - But there the problem reared it's ugly little head again. You're either wondering one of these two things ... "What's going on with the overpopulation of icebergs?" or more logically, "Why does all this keep happening to me - Was I a bad person in a past life now doomed to always end up devastated and heartbroken?" The past will likely start hitting you hard for awhile. You'll be left to consider your next move and whether or not you're stable enough to get yourself back on the boat - You'll be tired of the games people play as much as the next guy is. We spent our whole childhoods playing fun games. Were they simply the primers for the less-than-fun games we play as adults? Were relationships actually just this colossal chess match ... Strategy, moves, counter-moves all designed to keep your opponent off-balance until you ultimately emerge victorious? Is there such thing as an honest relationship, or is there just a hidden ring leader calling all the shots waiting for the weaker lover to fold under the pressure?
I'd like to welcome you to the age of un-innocence. Nobody has breakfast at Tiffany's and no one has affairs to remember. Instead, we have breakfast at 7 A.M and affairs we attempt to forget as quick as we possibly can. Self protection and closing the deal are paramount. Cupid has officially decided to go fly the co-op. If you can manage to find it deep within you to get back on the boat yet again, you're a trooper and don't have any regrets ... For those who truly want a love worthy of an eternity and are willing to fight for it, shall receive it. However, some people are too terrified of the boat to get back on it and others are simply unsure all together. So, what're you going to do - Drop out now and spare yourself of the future heartache, or keep believing and investing in love until you finally score it?
I'm not sure how to properly describe this as other than amazing; Definitely one of my favorites ~ Keep owning it, this blog as said time and time again is fantastic.
Thank you, Jonah ... I appreciate all the support!