"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Lights, Camera, Relationship."

Supposedly, younger girls aren't threatened by a strong man having power ... Is it a whole generation, or only the one's you wind up encountering? As men's roles begin to change and evolve, we're left to assume that women's are too. There are hundreds upon hundreds of articles written about the new gal - But in actuality, does she exist? Perhaps, she's still the old gal, renamed and repackaged by some clever P.R man. Are the women of today less threatened by the power of men, or are they just acting?
Here's a thought ... Maybe women aren't the one's threatened by the power of a man. Perhaps, we're the one's who're threatened, threatened by our own power. If you've got a whole lot of money, there's always a lurking possibility when you get romantically involved with somebody that their incentive to be in the relationship isn't love, but it is all of the things you have to offer them. This's very rough. Sometimes, the ulterior motives of others are instantaneously distinguishable - While for others, they've got bluffing genuineness and sincerity down to a science. Of course everyone's true colors shine through at some point in time, via a mistake or slipup that's presumably unintended. Contingent on how attached to this individual you were ultimately decides the degree of heartache you will suffer along the journey of picking up the pieces once more, and starting over yet again ... If you've been nothing but a cash cow to somebody that you love with all of your heart, it's imperative you let go, end the relationship. You're not a ATM machine, you're a being with feelings who deserves all of the love they give in return - The one thing liquid assets can't be converted into is precious time, time that'd be way better spent finding yourself and that one woman who'll love you, and not for your bank statement but for your heart.

It's always tough to bounce back from a bad breakup ... But I believe something like this is one of the most tough. After this experience, the nagging thoughts that were once in the back of our minds, thoughts that women are with us for what we can offer them besides our hearts thrust into the forefront of our minds. This stirs up an utter lack of trust and makes us struggle with our power, the same power which threatens us with heartbreak, when we get romantically involved with a woman...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Plus One's The Loneliest Number."

When you're a Small Townie, you're continuously pursuing either one of these three things at a clip ... A new job, a girlfriend or a place to call home. Let's pretend for a moment that you attain two outta the three, and they're terrific in every single way imaginable. Why are we constantly allowing whichever one we don't have to alter our perception on what it is that we do have - Why does one minus a plus one feel like it adds up to a zero?

It's frequent for one to think the grass is way greener on the other side of the fence ... Since the start of time, Mankind has never once been content all around with what it attains. Although this's terrific in ways, it's terrible in a plethora of other ones. We'll evolve into accomplished men and we'll advance ourselves tremendously. It's essential you have the appropriate balance of desiring to do greater, and too contentment with what you currently have to ultimately live happily in this world. Those that do not ever have the incentive to go out and achieve something incredible, generally go astray of ever accomplishing anything noteworthy and remarkable, and those that are continuously focused on what is absentee in their lives can never truly be happy.

After evaluating your current situation, if you've found yourself too much on one particular side, here's a conclusion and solution : You've got to locate a happy medium somewhere within it. You'll never recognize exquisite happiness if you don't do so. If you've got the great apartment and job, but you're without the girlfriend, there's no reasoning behind worrying yourself to death about it. This's where the motivational end comes into play - Because with the adequate motivation and willpower to achieve something wondrous enough for a lifetime comes the achievement. Somewhere along this illustrious journey we call life, Polly comes along and she challenges everything you once thought you knew, past worries fade into dust and there rests a love incapable of duplication or substitution that blossoms and flourishes as time passes and there is no possible end to something so magical.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

I couldn't help but get to questioning the whole concept of honesty ... Maybe the idea was overrated. Maybe coming clean is the ultimate act of unquestionable selfishness, a method of absolving yourself by hurting someone who doesn't deserve it in the least. Way back in fifth grade, I cheated on a test with three friends - They wound up confessing what they had done and failed the class. I never told anyone about my involvement in the act and never suffered the consequences nor did it ever matter. When it comes to relationships, is honesty the best policy or was it a flimflam for suckers?
However, that was simply a test in fifth grade, a heart couldn't be broken because of it ... So, how much does the situation change for relationships, where so easily it's scary a heart can be shattered? When you cheat on something like a test, the premise of the act is simply the carefree way of passing. When you cheat on the person that you're in a relationship with, there's always an underlying cause - And the cause is typically what in your perspective is lacking in your current relationship. The indiscretion will likely feel terrific at first, due to the reunification with whatever it is you've been deprived of for however long, but back at the ranch this little thing named guilt kicks in. In view of these circumstances, one may wish the whole concept of honesty didn't exist ... That we lived in a guilt free and no-strings-attached world, where selective explanations was trending and you were completely innocent by omission. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Guilt has the capability of gnawing at your conscience to the core - First, you should question as to whether or not you actually belong in that particular relationship since you actually cheated on your partner. Infidelities cannot be justified with regret or sorrow and technicalities, especially when it was feasible to discuss your concerns and worries with your partner and derive a solution for them. However, if the damage is done, you're stranded with two options ... Let the guilt ingurgitate you, or jeopardize what you do have with your current partner. Well, I'm a firm believer in if you're willing to do the crime so to say, you should be willing to do the time and suffer the repercussions for your actions - Whether it's grand larceny or it's unfaithfulness in a relationship, it's practically the same gig with situational differences.

I couldn't help but wonder ... Are guilt and honesty linked to each other in an inextricable way? Maybe honesty isn't exactly the best policy of them all, but when guilt devours us, it seems to be the policy we continuously find ourselves investing in. Although coming clean jeopardizes everything we put at risk in our actions, we walk away with a very valuable lesson regardless of the turnout - Also, once we do find ourselves the right woman, cheating won't be an issue in any way ... And, once all factors broken down regardless of our current situations, that's definitely something to look forward to and strive for.

Monday, January 14, 2013

"All Or Nothing?"

Modern men have been told that if we apply ourselves, we can be anything we wish to be ... Astronauts, heads of an Internet company, even stay-at-home fathers - There aren't any rules and choices are endless. Evidently, they can all be delivered straight to your front door. Could it be possible we've become so spoiled by our infinite choices, that we're now unable to ultimately make one? That we're aware that once you choose something, one great woman, one miraculous apartment, one terrific job, another option bites the dust? Are we a generation who can't choose just one from column 'A' ... Did we have simply too much to handle - Or, can we have it all?
I couldn't help but wonder ... What defines "having it all" - Is it more or less the great woman, miraculous apartment and terrific job? Honestly, I find this to be strictly a matter of opinion and one's personal beliefs/preferences. For one individual, having it all could imply cutting ends meat, having a loving family of their very own and saying grace for what it is they do have ... While for another, having it all could imply an array of gorgeous women, beachfront property in the Hamptons and truckloads of money to blow along with a constant urge for more. As you can already determine, having it all has the ability to mean a boatload of stuff, and it tremendously varies by each person that you ask. "Having it all", fully depending on one's expectations and their perspective much to their dismay, may simply be something unattainable and far out of reach - However, if you do deem it attainable and "well enough" simply 'isn't doing it for you' for whatever reason(s), should you venture out into the world once more to find it ... Or will you wind up alone and broke, regretting not leaving it alone, maybe realizing to count your blessings and embrace what you do have in this world?

Maybe, the whole confusing concept of "having it all" is nothing other than an individualized pipedream. Or maybe "having it all" is simply living your life the way that God intended, because eventually all the pieces fall into place, regardless of how bullshit that may come across to you all in the present moment. Sure, there's a distinctive allure in "having it all", but would you be setting yourself up for missing your fate alongside valuable life lessons and things and die trying?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl…"

Relationships have become so scarce in this day and age ... I'm literally waiting for rations designated for those who actually still believe in romance and the concept of true love. Instead, we're thriving off of "hooking up" and one night stands. Furthermore, it's not only just that - It's he bop, she bop and we bop. In simpler terms, we'll hop into bed with anyone and everyone these days. There's no exploring and searching for your sexuality and whatever suits you as a person in this day and age ... Becoming pan-sexual is paramount.

We're living in "Alice And Confused Sexuality Land" - Hello, I'm Alice and I'm confused for different reasons. I don't understand why we are doing this. Have we become so jaded to the point where we can't determine if we prefer cock or pussy? (I guess God made sperm banks and surrogates for too, more impractical and unobvious reasons.) Anywho, I'm unsure of what this means for the relationships of the future, provided there even are any ... Should this trend dictate that this is a new beginning for normal - Or, are we quite simply evolving into something scary?
I couldn't help but wonder ... Was our generation onto something? Was sexual flipping and flopping the wave of the future? If it is, could I play such a game or am I over the hill? If men can so easily transform into women, and women easily into men, then perhaps the whole concept of gender no longer exists. If we can take the best of the other sex and turn it into something of our own, has and is the opposite sex becoming obsolete?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"No Ifs, Ands Or Butts."

Relationships can be a whole hell of a lot of work nowadays. Sometimes, you simply want to pack it in and call it a day, but you're completely incapable of locating an adequate basis for doing so. It may not be totally sparking a flame you desire, however, you've found yourself a seemingly wonderful gal and you want to avoid the unpleasant feelings of guilt when splitting up with her over superficial or self-centered and irrational reasons. In these situations, you're stuck at a crossroads. You can't decide whether it's best you live "Unhappily Ever After" or to swallow your guilt and call it off, for whatever reasons you deem shallow and pedantic. If you're in this situation or find yourself in it at some point in time in the future, there's only one healthy solution ... If your heart is not in the relationship due to the circumstances you're faced with, absolve yourself from the relationship before someone seriously gets hurt, because when both hearts aren't in it to win it nothing good will ever come of it in the end. Regardless of guilt, it'll be well worth it. You can continue the search for "The One", "The One" who leaves no doubt in your mind that they are right for you, while the other is free to go do the same in finding someone who unquestionably returns all of the love they receive.
However, sometimes you will get the proverbial "Get Out Of Jail" free card. There are those occasions when you're completely justified in letting it go at the drop of a dime. There are particular one-off things that women can do to give you an immediate, guilt-free and iron-clad easy way out. Call it a free pass, call it rationalization, call it whatever it is you deem fit, this deal breaker ensures you can walk away with a clear conscience. There's no emotional electric chair for absolving yourself from something so obvious in its unacceptability.
After thoroughly reconsidering all this, I couldn't help but wonder ... Since when did dating become so dote friendly? Whatever happened to the times where a really bad kiss, cigarettes, or even a ridiculous dream were only part of a person's portfolio? In today's volatile dating market, is it wise to liquidate certain stocks after the first sign they might not perform as well as originally expected? Or, are there things one should try and negotiate? In the matters of relationships, what are the "deal breakers"?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

"Laissez Faire."

Back when we were young, Marlo Thomas sang to us about accepting each other and our differences. However, as we begin to age, we start to sing a completely different tune. We cease to celebrate each other's life choices, and instead begin qualifying them. Is 'acceptance' really such a childish concept, or did we have it right all along? When exactly did we stop being free to be you and me?

Maybe it is just me, but I feel as if there are very few people left in the world who're confident in who they are. It's as if everyone's insecurities have completely gotten the best of them and we're all trying to fill some ideal mold that is not even achievable or real. Numerous individuals find themselves condemned for acting or looking a certain way, but if it works for that particular individual, who are we to judge?

Perhaps, it starts in high school, and not a lot of individuals grow out of it. Individuals have their idea of how individuals ought to want to look ... They're still unsure of where they got that idea from, but "everyone" else has that idea so it must carry some weight. Anyone who attempts to individualize and march to the beat of their own drum is, in their opinion, sabotaging the game for everyone else who's involved. There's definitely a degree of comfort in conformity, in knowing that you're not rocking the boat. To most individuals being "normal" is perfectly fine.

I think something as drastic as plastic surgery stems from they way we're becoming increasingly more judgemental on individual's appearances. 'The Daily Mail' online is the second most popular news website in the whole world, and it's almost entirely made up of articles bitching about the small imperfections of celebrities. Looking "perfect" is seen as much of a status symbol as is the size of the house you live in, the car that you drive or the logos on all your materials, in their opinion.

Personally, I try to ignore that aspect of society as much as possible. I've tried in the past to get answers out of individuals as to why they conform so much, but it has become apparent that nobody actually knows why. We're all expected to act as if we really know, and further we're expected not to question it, but nobody will ever be able to give you a straight answer.
When it all really started, I'm still unsure ... But, in this day and age we're all forced to be the same, the way in which society and other companies want us to be. We get brainwashed to think a certain way, buy certain things and to have certain values which unfortunately, aren't very natural. However, the companies want to sell ... That's why the media convinces us to believe in these fake values, so that we will continuously buy and conform.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

"The Catch."

When you're young, your whole life's about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious - You can easily break a bone or even a heart. You always look twice before you actually leap, and sometimes you'll find yourself not leaping at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there is no safety net as I've said. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?

When you're young, everything's so simple. It's a flurry of fun, friends and completely fresh experiences. Judgement isn't placed upon you for being single ... As a matter of fact, the single life is embraced, and more brows are raised to actually being in a serious relationship. You're suspected to have meaningless, yet fun flings, while finding yourself and exploring all of the infinite opportunities and possibilities that life has to offer you. Being single meant that you are pretty sexy and that you are holding out until the right person for you came along - You are confident, independent and mysterious, uninhibitedly writing your own tale.

Then, you grow up and everything you once knew becomes so terribly complex. It's a flurry of confusion, criticism and experiences you wish to forget as soon as humanly possible. Judgement is placed upon you for being single ... The once embraced single life has now become frowned upon. You're suspected to have yourself a steady job, along with a happy marriage and adorable kid(s), yourself already found with the opportunities and possibilities life offers thoroughly explored. Being single now meant that you are pretty undesirable and that somewhere, you took a wrong turn and things went terribly wrong - You are unconfident, lost and the publishers apparently didn't like what you presented them with, metaphorically of course.
Throughout the course of time in your life things change so much. You'll see that some individuals made their dreams their reality, while others wound up living a horror story - All of their dreams dashed and illusions shattered. It's not fate, it's dumb luck ... So, I couldn't help but wonder; If you've found yourself lost in the shuffle of life, is there any way to undo chronological incorrectness, or does the highway to hell come with no U-Turns?