I truly think relationships are the emotional Olympics. There are men entering relationships with these women who're perfect on paper. They've got themselves great jobs, they're free-spirited and uninhibited, excelling in a mans world. You truly think that there's something promising there. However, after a few months pass, what's a man to do in the event that he discovers all of her emotional disabilities and shortcomings?
It's never a subtle discovery. Metaphorically, you open up her closet one random day, to then have all of her emotional baggage piled on from her subsequent relationships with men topple over upon you. Crutches, walkers, wheelchairs and all else which lies between out in the clear daylight. You're simply left to question how yet again you ended up underneath an emotional hoveround. After a bit more time you'll begin seeing things change.
You'll rapidly begin to see your partner change. The picture-perfect relationship you had envisioned at the beginning will slowly begin to fade - True colors beginning to show. You've either ended up with the compulsive liar from hell or even a bi-polar bag lady in the making. The possibilities are just endless. That my friend is A.D.D, another dating disaster. These types of realizations are scary and even downright startling. You've finally found a gal with whom you believed you had this solid connection with, in the end to discover she's this emotionally impaired reject? That's the thing with the dating world now, you can never know what and who is just around the corner...
You're dating roadkill, swept right underneath yet another emotional pride jazzy. In a world where emotional paraplegics are everywhere, has it become in style nowadays to be emotionally unattainable?
Wow ... I actually just got out of a relationship like this. This is a terrific post. Unfortunately things like this always seem to happen. However I still attain faith in finding someone emotionally stable, although it's ever so challenging. Thanks for doing postings that are like this, I'm a huge fan of S.A.T.S.M so keep them coming!