"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back … Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be."
~ Carrie Bradshaw.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

"The Notorious V.I.P."

There'll be a few times, where, if you're lucky, but it's subliminally inevitable too, there's a Person who unexpectedly ventures into your life, who'll shake your World up while becoming a large piece of it...
...While, on the other end of that Unanticipated Coin, you may see the Person someway being Exiled, or Outcasted from your World...
...Being/Feeling Betrayed by a Person who you truly care a great deal for, Relentlessly and Unconditionally, will definitely bring you an Indescribable and practically Unbearable dealing of Hurt and Pain. The Truth being, a once 'Picture-Perfect' Friendship or Relationship, which was Believed and Suspected being one with Honor, Love, Respect, and Trust, can disturbingly quick alter into one with Anguish, Resentment, and utter Sadness for yourself...
...I couldn't help but Wonder, how can a V.I.P from your Heart truly value you, while Battering your Belief System down to Emptiness and Nothingness? However, if a Lost and Notorious love somehow finds their way back 'Home', how much of ourselves, from the Inside, should us be Willing to Sacrifice, to Extend them the Key into our Hearts once more? Could you Practice 'Forgive and Forget'? Or, could it be it just isn't that Simple? Honestly, I'm not Positive I'm one who Believes In, or can ever Believe In the Concept. However, 'Forgive, but you're Haunted by', is a System I know which lives on absolutely, possibly a lot similar to the Heartbreak of being Unthinkably Scorn.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"A Petal In The Wind."

I'm completely speechless...
...Hello everyone! How are you? That's the first and foremost right now.
I'm not sure, I guess somethin' distracted me, and I had misplaced focus ~ Life's a truly everchanging sport, its' rules prepared for debating. They're definitely bendy, and manipulation ready for whatever comes quick. I'm one whose willingness for learning somethin' is quite large. However, while it's stemming from heartbreak, that's a completely different, and complicating story...
...Non-Platonicness manhandles a friendship. The shit's crazy. A lotta' you could probably see I had feelings for somebody ~ A lotta' you could possibly see I had feelings for Annabella, specifically.

In January, I met her. 'Twas definitely about fckin' time I did! The experience was incredible. She was funny, gorgeous, and intelligent like she was for FaceTime calls. After the deceivingly flawless aforementioned, everything had suddenly spiraled downward...
...She abruptly found somebody new, retracted her feelings, all the while developing a careless approach for everything pertaining to me...
...Confused, angry, while too being completely devastated, I had laid everything out. I was yearning for a response. Although I was frightened, and I had completely acknowledged her reception had the capability of rescuing or tarnishing the whole friendship.

She apologized, but I could not accept, nor forget anything and everything ~ The funny thing being, I forgive her. However, everything feels horribly wrong there. New, scary, and unfamiliar. Betrayal far too clear to see anything else.
That's all she wrote...
...I remember being a completely grounded and stable individual. A Petal In The Wind continues livin' on, breezing wherever a place new, scary, and unfamiliar finds him ~ And you'll learn for movin' on, eventually. I wish her all those lessons of fate, too.


...Here's for a fresh start, and too a new Chapter, Townies...