I couldn't help but truly begin thinking about retro relationships ... Since high-school, the majority of men that I know have acquired much in fashions, finances and foods ~ But what about in women? Maybe, we were a lot better off when we all thought less and we kissed more. I couldn't help but wonder ... Have we graduated past our ability of capturing true love? When it comes to affairs of the heart, did we actually have it all right in high-school?
However, Delaney surfaces quite a conundrum ~ She, currently trotting the Halls of our high-school, seemingly has absolutely no idea of what she's perpetrating to the extent of dating/relationships. Simply put, we ( The Gang ) are left questioning as to what exactly the fuck is going on in Delaney's little alter-reality. Now, I don't wanna be misunderstood ... She's, by no means, a bad person ~ A bit awkward, seemingly much confused, a tad peculiar ... Not bad though. But is 'a bit awkward', 'seemingly much confused', and too 'a tad peculiar' labels for a misjudged individual? Misrepresentation for a gal who's...enjoying the cards she's raising the bet with? We are calling and folding ~ She's increasing the stakes and completely indulging in the ante she claims. She's got the Pocket Aces, we got zilch. So ... Maybe just 'cause her metaphoric fashion isn't showcased at our individual retailers doesn't claim her a total nightmare, emotionally that is.
From the outside in, she's fronting A.D.D ( Another Dating Disaster ) ~ The breathing and living model. 'Ya know, that there's a plethora of stuff in need of her focus that she's not contending with in order to optimize herself, not only as a girlfriend, but a woman. But, screw 'from the outside in' ... Could we be mistaking rich silk for broadcloth? Now don't get me wrong ~ She doesn't just sleep around, Delaney has relationships. They're simply dysfunctional, and are doomed to crumble all in lieu of her materialistic madness.
It's way unconventional ... But there we go again with the labels. Labels ~ Perhaps 'crazy' & 'unconventional' are loves' small idea for Louis Vuitton's Winter Collection 2014 of the heart. If you could afford it, oh, the places you would go ... So, could it be time to clone Delaney's style? If we had, and have it on lock in high-school, could it be that Kim, the others and I are stranded relationship pioneers? Completely lost for a route, when it seems as though this chick has paved her own pathway? If we were to conform, could we chew what we were biting off, or would our hearts be splattered all over the pavement in a diseased compilation of Emotional Russian Roulette? Seems far outta my grasp to be honest, especially given I'm commonly the one who's constantly judging and ridiculing that assortment of behavior. And, I'd be nothing but a hypocrite doing a major cartwheel, finding myself walking along a windy road home to such harsh ridicule. Her windy road.
It'd be scary, unfamiliar ~ Maybe it's time to get accustom to a fast love life, constantly in the sixth shift, until our shocks are shot and our tires without tread crash us into a meltdown. Except for ours, I haven't witnessed a solid relationship of hers ... One which embodies a challenging, equal and a fulfilling commitment. It required everything I had to balance our relationship for seven months. Was not easy ~ I was entombed in pressure, especially in the very end. Pat Benatar was so right ... Love is a battle field. But, no one 'won'. And I think my total loss for time, in a relationship where time was a necessity, is what had ultimately veered everything off course...
...If everything that unfortunately happened in my life, had not happened, would we still be together ~ And would we of indeed had it right all along? I still ask myself that question from time to time, but somehow regret doing so, 'cause of the way in which we ended ... The simple fact that she was completely willing to approach our end in such a ferociously dishonoring way, leads a small bit of me to embrace those things, for they were the things that shined a new light on somebody I had thought I truly knew and so well. Delaney has a lot of self-exploration that she must contend with. But at the same time, so do we. And, maybe on one glorious day, will we fashion our OWN piece of unconventional ~ Seasonable, unseasonable ... And we'll find that the white horse ride is over ~ Love, unconditional, will blossom and will flourish to the beat of our own hearts...
...Until then lovelies, spin the bottle.