I'm overwhelmed lately with questioning, in its' most hazardous form entitled 'self-questioning'. Here's the one that's been driving me mad. "Do individuals over the years and with age, become more wise?". Is this another case of pop psychology falsehood, or does it hold truth? I've been observing certain individuals, certain social situations, etc. And, as a prime example of pop psychology falsehood, I'll be using Delaney here. She's been involved in numerous relationships since our break up, and has even cheated on her current boyfriend - Nami. It seems that with time she's become more outrageously stupid - and worse with her relationships. And I thought her relationship skills couldn't get any worse. It's certainly mind-boggling when trying to really understand her and her actions as well. I do believe that individuals can become wiser with age, I really do. But, only if they're open to learning new things. And, as I've observed she's not.
Once we reach a certain age and a certain number of relationships, we gotta get to wondering - What have we really learned? Has redundant devastating heartbreak taught us to close up and go back into our shells? The same shells it took so many years to come out of? Or has redundant devastation taught us to be stronger and better individuals, fully prepared for that future relationship which lasts for eternity? Perchance it depends on the individual or maybe that certain individuals willpower to romantically succeed? Maybe it's predestined or maybe it is not. Maybe, we shouldn't ask. Maybe, we shouldn't know. Maybe, time is what we need to rely on - because time tells all tales. ~ In the matter of love and affairs of the heart, wisdom's quite the tricky figure. I'm just wondering, do any of us have the capability of truly decoding the madness?